Saturday, September 17, 2016

Getting Started Now

The best time to start investing is NOW. Randy Thurman, a CPA and financial advisor, who taught my investment 101 class at Oklahoma City Community College told our class that the number one obstacle to financial success is procrastination. So start.

Where to start?

1. Contribute regularly to your company retirement plan. If they match at least contribute to capture that free money. You will not miss it.

2. Set up a monthly contribution to your future. Start with $50 a month and lock it in automatically.

A. That may go to a brokerage company like TD Ameritrade, Scottrade or you choose. Open an account and start an automatic payment to that account and then forget it. Live life.

B. You may instead wish to open a dividend reinvestment plan and purchase small portions of one stock each month with the quarterly dividends going to purchase more shares. These usually require a $500 - $1000 start up investment. Click on link below.

Or most mutual funds will allow you to make monthly contributions once you have established an account. I have used the Oakmark Funds. They also require a lump sum to star the account.

The key is to start. I will start my/our $50 savings plan? Most can be done online today.

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